

主要的帕普達尼米特古佛金身佛像目前仍被供奉於其原廟,即大城那空府坦邦塔塔蘇蘇克里鎮的瓦帕梅魯拉希卡拉姆沃拉維漢佛寺。雄偉壯觀的佛像有4.5米的圈寬和6米的高度。 佛像依照布密斯帕薩姿勢,盤膝成雙膝坐姿,左手仰臥在膝上; 右手放在右腿上。

帕普達尼米特古佛佛像是建造與1503年(帕拉瑪蒂波迪二世國王統治時期)的大城府初期,結合“佛法”和“ 上座部”佛教藝術而設計的,以表達佛陀的宏偉和威嚴。 後來在帕南革勞國王(拉瑪三世國王)統治期間,帕普達尼米特古佛被正式任命為大城府的守護佛,並授予帕普達尼米特•威奇特•馬爾莫里•斯里•桑菲特•博羅姆•特洛卡納特古佛的正式名稱。

瓦帕梅魯拉希卡拉姆沃拉維漢佛寺在第一次緬甸入侵期間遭到嚴重破壞,但被帕南革勞國王復原。 然而,在佛曆2303年,在緬甸貢巴王朝的國王阿拉貢帕亞的領導下,緬甸人再次入侵暹羅帝國時,而瓦帕梅魯拉希卡拉姆沃拉維漢佛寺也再次落入敵人的手中。

更荒唐的是,緬甸人盡然無禮地在瓦帕梅魯拉希卡拉姆沃拉維漢佛寺內建立了砲台,而阿拉貢帕亞則認為帕普達尼米特古佛將幫助他摧毀大城府,因此,他親自去點燃了大砲。 在阿拉貢帕亞點燃大砲的那一刻,奇蹟發生了,大砲沒有炸燬大城府卻相反的把阿拉貢帕亞炸成重傷。緬甸軍隊看到了這一幕不祥之兆,立即撤退,但阿拉貢帕亞卻在返回緬甸途中傷重身故。 從那時起,帕普達尼米特古佛備受泰國人崇拜,祂代表摧毀了魔鬼,並賜給忠實信徒第二次機會。







在泰國有幾座寺廟製作帕普達尼米特古佛佛像,但最受歡迎的是帕克魯蘇吉塔彭(阿贊傑)所製作開光的佛像,由於其藝術美感和特殊效果故備受歡迎。 於佛曆2546年,阿贊傑依照供奉於寶殿中的帕普達尼米特古佛佛像製作了一批金身雕像供信徒奉請。奉獻儀式由當時神靈派最受尊敬的長老鑾普添帶領來自四方八面的高僧為該批佛像進行開光加持。這批帕普達尼米特古佛佛像有兩種尺寸,一是5英吋寬,另是9英吋的寬度, 兩種型號均半貼金。






帕卡萬博迪 2546




除了上述所介紹的帕普達尼米特古佛金身和佛牌外,還有一批帕普達尼米特古佛佛牌值得特別注意和推薦的便是來自 羅勇府由鑾波瑞於佛曆2515年用草藥製成了一批帕普達尼米特古佛佛牌。這批佛牌是按照古老的帕韋斯儀式將其奉獻的,而且鑾波瑞在四年內費力地將這些佛牌帶到了108座寺廟中,經108名神靈派高德們加持開光。 因此,據說這批佛牌靈異能力非常強大,可以消滅所有魔鬼。鑾波瑞曾使用這批佛牌在泰國和新加坡進行驅魔,並獲得了有效的成果。

由於帕普達尼米特古佛具有各種特殊的靈異效果,因此佛祖一直是主流信徒的優先選擇,並 堅信帕普達尼米特古佛擁有奇蹟中的奇蹟和三界中“莎拉娜”。 增強效果的特殊咒語如下:



Phra Buddha Nimit Wichit Marmoli Sri Sanphet Borom Trilokanat

Phra Buddha Nimit Buddha image enshrined in the Ubosot of Wat Phra Meru Rachikaram Worawihan in Tambon Tha Wa Su Kri, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province

The main Phra Buddha Nimit is enshrined in the Ubosot of Wat Phra Meru Rachikaram Worawihan in Tambon Tha Wa Su Kri, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province.  The majestically constructed Buddha image has a 4.5 meters lap width and 6 meters height. The Buddha image sits cross-legged in bhumisparsa mudra posture with left hand placed supine on lap; right hand placed resting on right leg. The Phra Buddha Nimit statue was designed with a mixture of “Dharma” and “Dhavaraja” Buddhist art in 1503, early Ayutthaya period during the reign of King Phra Ramathibodi II, to amplify the grandiose and majesty of Lord Buddha. Later in the reign of King Phra Nangklao (Rama III), Phra Buddha Nimit was officially named the guardian Buddha of Ayutthaya by His Majesty and conferred the official name of Phra Buddha Nimit Wichit Marmoli Sri Sanphet Borom Trilokanat.

Wat Phra Meru Rachikaram Worawihan was severely damaged during the first Burmese invasion but was restored by King Phra Nangklao. However, in year 2303, the Burmese again invaded the Siam Empire under the leadership of Alaungpaya, king of the Konbaung Dynasty in Burma. Wat Phra Meru again fell into the enemy’s hands. The Burmese disrespectfully brought and set up artillery in Wat Phra Meru Rachikaram Worawihan and Alaungpaya thought that Phra Buddha Nimit will help him destroy Ayutthaya, thus, he personally went to light the cannon. However, a miracle happened, the moment Alaungpaya lit the cannon, it exploded and severely injuring Alaungpaya himself. The Burmese troops saw that as a bad omen and immediately retreated but Alaungpaya nevertheless died on the way before reaching Burma. From thence, Phra Buddha Nimit has been worshipped by Thais for destroying the devils and for according the faithful a second chance.

Phra Buddha Nimit: Wat Noak

The Phra Buddha Nimit enshrined in Wat Noak, Phasi Charoen, Bangkok is designed and constructed with mixture of Indian Gandhara, Sukhothai, and western arts. The facial features of the Buddha are typically more realistic and human-like as in western art but, at the same time, retained the slender figure, spiral hair curls, and distended earlobes of Sukhothai art as well as the facial expression of inner peace typical of Indian Gandhara art.

The Phra Buddha Nimit statue in Wat Noak also differs from that of Wat Phra Meru Rachikaram Worawihan in three other major aspects. Firstly, in lieu of the bhumisparsa mudra posture, the Phra Buddha Nimit in Wat Noak adopts the Dhyana Mudra and a Khad Samathi Rab posture; secondly, the Buddha is adorned in Kāṣāya instead of the Mahachak ornamental gears; and thirdly, the Buddha sits on a round lotus top Chat Tat or triratha pedestal with eight disciples or Arahants, namely, Phra Kotamyak, Phra Mahakasapak, Phra Anun, Phra Mokalanak, Phra Lahoon, Phra Kawanbodi, Phra Wubali, and Phra Salibuk guarding the eight directions.

The primary purposes of Phra Buddha Nimit Wat Noak remain the same as those of Wat Phra Meru saved that the meditating posture of the Buddha adds a proximate cause to the attainment of wisdom; the replacement of royal gears with Kāṣāya represents the Triple Gems, compassion, and forgiveness augmenting the effect of according faithful believers a second chance in life; and the eight disciples guarding the eight direction enhances the effect of destroying the devils.

There are several temples making and consecrating statues of Phra Buddha Nimit but the most popular are those of Phrakru Sujittaporn, better known as Ajahn Jet of Wat Noak due to their artistic beauty and special effects.  In a replication of the Phra Buddha Nimit enshrined in the Ubosot, Ajahn Jet made and consecrated a batch of statues in year 2546. The consecration ceremony was led by the most respected elder of the inner path Luang Pu Tim of Wat Phra Khao, Bang Ban District, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya. This batch of Phra Buddha Nimit statues comes in two sizes, one in 5 inches lap width and the other in 9 inches lap width. Both models are half-spread with gold leaf.

Phra Buddha Nimit and the Eight Arahats

Gold-plated Phra Buddha Nimit with Eight Arahats 2549 Wat Noak

Subsequently, in Buddhist year 2549, Ajahn Jet also made and consecrated a batch of Phra Buddha Nimit and the eight Arahat amulets. The features of the Buddha exhibited traditional Gandhara art with Buddha’s hair tied up in spiral curls, a serene expression with half-closed eyes and long ear lobes. Behind the Buddha is the chakra wheel and at the external perimeter of the amulet are the eight Arahants.

Color-painted Phra Buddha Nimit with Eight Arahats 2549 Wat Noak

There are two models of amulets made on that occasion, one is made from bronze and gold-plated and another made from selected powder and color-painted.

Phra Kawanbodi 2546

In Buddhist year 2546, apart from the 5-inch and 9-inch Phra Buddha Nimit statues, Ajahn Jet has also separately made and consecrated amulets of the eight Arahants, namely, Phra Kotamyak, Phra Mahakasapak, Phra Anun, Phra Mokalanak, Phra Lahoon, Phra Kawanbodi, Phra Wubali, and Phra Salibuk. These amulets are made of lead.

Phra Buddha Nimit: Wat Kao Phrachuntheap

Phra Buddha Nimit Nerwan 2515 Luang Phor Ruay, Chanwat Rayong

Besides those Phra Buddha Nimit statues and amulets aforementioned, there is also a batch of Phra Buddha Nimit amulets that deserve special attention and recommendation. In Buddhist year 2515, Luang Phor Ruay of Wat Kao Phrachuntheap had also made a batch of Phra Buddha Nimit amulets from herbs and consecrated them in accordance with ancient Phra Weth ritual. His venerable has laboriously brought these amulets to a total of 108 temples within four years to be charmed by 108 guru monks from the inner path. Therefore, this batch of amulets is said to be so powerful that it is able to destroy all devils. His Venerable has used this batch of amulets to perform exorcism in both Thailand and Singapore with effective results.

With various special attributes and effects accorded by Phra Buddha Nimit, this Buddha has remained a priority choice among mainstream believers. It is strongly believed that Phra Buddha Nimit possesses the miracle of miracles and a “Sarana” that is justified in respect of all 3 worlds. The special charm to enhance these effects is as follow:

Namo Tassa Pakawatoh Arahatoh Samma Samput Tassa X3

Putang Arahang Wankha Mamihang

Puta Sanatang Sana Sakotik Tatang

Putang Sathu Rupatang Eti Sukatoh Arahang Putoh Namoputaya

Sailom Kungkha Phra Phut Ma Thewaka Mamihang